Arkeolowy Posted September 8, 2017 Report Posted September 8, 2017 Cześć, szukałem na forum czy jest podobny temat odnośnie opinii wosków/sealantów jakie ostatnio używaliście i czy są godne polecenia, ale nie znalazłem. Można dużo dowiedzieć się w dziale "testy" albo "zdjęcia kropelek" aczkolwiek jest tam duży misz masz. W tym roku co prawda już kończy się smarowanie, ale chętnie poznam Waszych opinii na temat wosków,sealantów, powłok żeby na przyszły sezon ruszyć z kopyta. Staramy się wyrażać opinie w takiej formie jaką zaprezentowałem, bez zbędnych komentarzy. Kryterium oceniania Cena Look Zapach Aplikacja Trwałość Każda kategoria max 2 pkt = 10 łącznie Fusso Coat 12m 8/10 Z obecnie testowanych wosków przeze mnie jeden z lepszych wyborów na zimę, szczególnie pod względem stosunku ceny do jakości. Odpowiednio nałożony przeżywa zimę, dodatkowo ładnie maskuje. Odjąłem mu punkty tylko i wyłącznie za zapach. Słaba opcja w upalne dni, gdyż wypaca się gorzej niż Zymol ( temp. ok 30stopni ), a na czarnych lakierach grubo nałożony potrafi zostawić ciemniejsze plamki/chmurki. Dodo Juice Purple Haze 5/10 Nie zrobił na mnie wrażenia, trwałość ok. 3-4 tygodni, mile wspominam go jedynie za zapach podczas aplikacji Collinite 845 8/10 Kolejny wosk z serii "zimowych" ze względu na wysoką odporność. Banalny jeżeli chodzi o aplikację, dodatkowo można aplikować go maszynowo z racji konsystencji. Jak dla mnie must have. Kropelki po aplikacji mistrzostwo Zymol Titanium 9/10 Żałuję, że go sprzedałem.. Z letnich wosków był chyba moim ulubionym. Nałożony na Zymol HDC, w dwóch warstwach z odstępem 12h. Krople, zrzut, trwałość, look wszystko w moim typie. Odjąłem mu punkt tylko przez to charakterystyczne dla Zymoli wypacanie się. BILT-HAMBER Double Speed 10/10 W tej kategorii cenowej rewelacja. Firma generalnie zaimponowała mi jakością swoich glinek, pianą aktywną i szamponem. Mało doceniana chyba u nas na forum. Dla mnie tańsza wersja titanium, tylko na czarnej perle przytłamsił trochę jej look. Max Protect UNC-R 9/10 Opcja dla leniwych, jednak żeby uzyskać fajny wygląd (w porównaniu z woskami) należy położyć v1 pod spód, ale mimo wszystko Titanium podobał mi się bardziej. Na tle innych powłok plus jest taki, że aplikujemy tylko 1 warstwę i nie potrzebne są nam żadne boostery, cure - które zresztą do tanich nie należą.
ghost Posted September 8, 2017 Report Posted September 8, 2017 17 minut temu, Arkeolowy napisał: BILT-HAMBER Double Speed 10/10 Jakiś czas temu polecałem tu DSW i Finisa. Cieszę się, że zyskują na popularności produkty BH, jakość jest wysoka a cena przystępna. To dodam też coś od siebie na początek, resztę dopiszę jak będę miał więcej czasu. Soft99 Water Block 7/10 Cena świetna, jedna z najtańszych hybryd na rynku. Rewelacyjna hydrofobowość, trwałość 3M też można uznać za niezły wynik. Look i aplikacją są ok. Należy cienko nakładać żeby ne było mazów. Śmierdzi. Powiedziałbym, że idealny wosk na wiosnę, jesień lub angielską pogodę.
Malinek Posted September 8, 2017 Report Posted September 8, 2017 Soft 99 The King Of Gloss 9/10 Wosk cenowo wypada moim zdaniem bardzo dobrze bo za nie wielkie pieniądze mamy dużą puszkę. Jeśli chodzi o look to daje dosyć fajny, przyciemnienie nie jest na wysokim poziomie. Zapach chemiczny ale przy aplikacji nie przeszkadza, aplikacja trudna nie jest chociaż lubi przyschnąć przy wyższej temperaturze. Wytrzymałość jaką podaje producent to 3 miesiące, mi wytrzymał lekko ponad 2 położony na cleaner od Poorboy's Pro Polish 2. Jako wosk na lato polecam.
Patryykk Posted September 8, 2017 Report Posted September 8, 2017 Ostatnio Swissvax Onyx Mocne 9/10. Cena co prawda wysoka ale look i krople są super,przykrywa drobne rysy i pięknie wydobywa głębię. Zapach mega,chyba jak każdy SV. Aplikacja,docieranie bajeczka,co do trwałości to jeszcze nie wiem,bo po każdym myciu psikam jakimś QD więc.. Polecam.
ghost Posted September 9, 2017 Report Posted September 9, 2017 Valet Pro Mad Wax 5/10 Cena bardzo niska, wygląd przyzwoity, jako ciekawostka zamiast wosku karnauba to wosk monatnowy. Zapach troche chemiczny ale nie natarczywy, nie przeszkadza. Bardzo miękka konsystencja kremu. Aplikacja sama w sobie łatwa, ale brudzi plastiki tak mocno, że całkiem z niego zrezygnowalem. Trwałość przeciętna. Jego firmowego brata Beading Marvellous lubie, natomiast do Mad wax nie wrócę. Zymol Carbon 7/10 Cena wysoka zwłaszcza, że rekomendowany jest duet z HDC. Wygląd jak za tą cenę przeciętny, a bez hdc tym bardziej. Zapach na plus, przyjemny. Aplikacja przeciętna, wymaga dedykowanego cleanera i lubi się pocić. Zrzut wody całkiem przyjemny. Jak na wosk letni trwałość bardzo dobra. Nie kupię ponownie, jeżeli już coś ze stajni Zymol to inne woski są dużo ciekawsze.
Gardor Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 @Patryykk Dałeś 9 na 10 onyx'owi który jest podstawowym i najtańszym woskiem z gamy Swissvaxa i on nie urywa tyłka Sprawdzisz coś z wyżej półki to Ci braknie skali do oceniania. 1
ghost Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 27 minut temu, Gardor napisał: @Patryykk Dałeś 9 na 10 onyx'owi który jest podstawowym i najtańszym woskiem z gamy Swissvaxa i on nie urywa tyłka Sprawdzisz coś z wyżej półki to Ci braknie skali do oceniania. A to nie jest troche tak, że oceny nie są globalne, tylko w swojej klasie? Teoretycznie lepszy wosk może mieć niższą notę właśnie przez wygórowaną cenę. Np budżetowe 8/10 może być gorsze niż exkluziw z notą 7/10? Gdzie trwałość np też oceniamy w tej samej klasie wosków, bo letniaki nigdy nie dogonią zimowych sealantów. Może obok noty będziemy podawać sugerowaną cenę detaliczną/pojemność?
Strus Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 Dnia 8.09.2017 o 16:04, Arkeolowy napisał: BILT-HAMBER Double Speed 10/10 W tej kategorii cenowej rewelacja. Firma generalnie zaimponowała mi jakością swoich glinek, pianą aktywną i szamponem. Mało doceniana chyba u nas na forum. Dla mnie tańsza wersja titanium, tylko na czarnej perle przytłamsił trochę jej look. Jak jest z lookiem przy tym wosku ? Połysk, szkło ?
yacek _b Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 Jak już wspominacie o wosku Bilt Hamber , to który jest wyżej " pozycjonowany " w ofercie firmy , bo patrząc na cena/pojemność to chyba Finis Wax ?
ghost Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 40 minut temu, Strus napisał: Jak jest z lookiem przy tym wosku ? Połysk, szkło ? Szkłem za bardzo bym tego nie nazwał, coś pomiędzy ładnym połyskiem a lekką głębią karnauby. Odrobinę gorszy look od Finisa, ale nadrabia ceną i bardzo łatwy w aplikacji, do tego też żywotny. Świetny produkt. All season - nadaje się na zimę i na lato. Idealny też dla normalnych ludzi nie wypaczonych przez detailing, którzy chcę mieć jeden wosk do wszystkiego, miałem się ograniczać, a znów mam osiem 20 minut temu, yacek _b napisał: Jak już wspominacie o wosku Bilt Hamber , to który jest wyżej " pozycjonowany " w ofercie firmy , bo patrząc na cena/pojemność to chyba Finis Wax ? Dokładnie, Finis wyżej, no i cena x2 (15 funtów VS 33 funciaki za duże puszki, DSW nie występuje w małej)
Strus Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 Powiem tak..... Obecnie kładłem CC Wax Gold i gdby nie problem z dotarciem (być może zła metoda) to byłby to dla mnie numer 1. Ale kombinuję dalej. I teraz mam dylemat. Ore No Kuro + dedykowany cleaner (dają świetne szkło w zestawie) czy odpuścić Prostaff'a i pojść w BH. Coś mi się wydaje że BH będzie lepszy trwałościowo a Prostaff wizualnie. 3 godziny temu, ghost napisał: Idealny też dla normalnych ludzi nie wypaczonych przez detailing, którzy chcę mieć jeden wosk do wszystkiego Zmierzam chyba w stronę tych normalnych ludzi Choć pewnie się sam łudzę że to się uda. I skończy się tak że zostawię Wax Gold i dokupię i Ore no kuro z cleanerem i oba BH Masakra to jakaś. Uratujcie mój budżet
yacek _b Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 3 godziny temu, Strus napisał: Ore No Kuro Rafał , ale kurcze ten One No Kuro puszka 180 g za 109 zł a Wax Gold 100 g za 100 zł , to może być krok w tył . Patrze na ofertę Prostaff i dochodzę do wniosku że to prawie brat bliźniak Soff99
Strus Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 Warunkiem looku Kuro jest dedykowany cleaner. A tu chyba około 160zł. Wax Gold jest naprawdę zarąbistym woskiem. Tylko to cholerne docieranie..... Może jeszcze raz spróbuję metodą z jedną fibrą. Może tu tkwi szkopuł. 1 godzinę temu, yacek _b napisał: Patrze na ofertę Prostaff i dochodzę do wniosku że to prawie brat bliźniak Soff99 Nie tak do końca. Np w Sofcie odpowiednika Wax Golda nie ma. CC Water Gold jako powiedzmy sealant też chyba jest tylko w Prostaffie.
yacek _b Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 9 minut temu, Strus napisał: CC Water Gold jako powiedzmy sealant też chyba jest tylko w Prostaffie. kurcze chyba się skuszę na ten wosk nie jest drogi , tylko ja ( jeżeli kupię ) spróbuję nakładać dołączoną ściereczką ( widziałem jakieś filmiki w necie )
Strus Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 Zacytowałeś fragment o CC Water Gold a to nie jest wosk. To QD w typie Reload'a. Notabene też super produkt. Polecam brać 480ml bo mniejszych pojemności się po prostu nie opłaca. 1
yacek _b Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 walnąłem się chodziło mi o wosk w puszce .
Strus Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 Wosk jak najbardziej polecam z czystym sumieniem. Robi robotę. Nie powiem nic o trwałości bo u mnie na razie 2 tygodnie leży. Trzeba tylko metodę jakaś aplikacji/docierania wypracować. W tej kwestii jest niestety bardzo problematyczny. Co zresztą Przyznają też chłopaki z Prostaff Polska bo jestem z nimi w kontakcie.
Filon Posted September 11, 2017 Report Posted September 11, 2017 Poorboy's World Natty's Blue - 8/10 Jeden z moich ulubieńców. Tani, nie sprawiający zbytnich problemów z aplikacją, całkiem nieźle pachnie i dodaje swoje 3 grosze do wyglądu. Gdyby był trwalszy byłby moim numerem 1. Collinite no. 476s - 5/10 Klasyk, który mi osobiście nie podchodzi. Poza trwałością i ceną nie widzę zbyt wielu plusów.
ghost Posted September 19, 2017 Report Posted September 19, 2017 Finish Kare 1000p hi-temp 7/10 Cena niska, look jak na zimowy całkiem przyzwoity, nadaje połysku i na różnych ciemnych autach podkręca głębię, oczywiście do concours-owych letniaków mu brakuje. Zapach lipny, bardzo chemiczny. Aplikacja łatwa. Trwałość na dobrze przygotowanej powierzchni wysoka, dodatkowa zaleta odporność na wyższe temperatury. Klasyk na zimę.
ghost Posted February 12, 2018 Report Posted February 12, 2018 Tu jest dość bogate zestawienie ocen wosków: i przykładowy post założyciela tematu Wilco: Cytat Collinite 476s. 7 Decent value, never lasted as I hoped it would FK1000p . 7 Similar to collinite, decent value for a massive tin Dodo Juice Rain forest rub . 7.5 Easy to use, decent price nice finish. Purple haze. 7 Decent enough didn't last too long though. Supernatural V1. 6 My first expensive wax, expected more for price. Supernatural hybrid . 6.5 Loved on here, I'm not a massive fan. Rubbish Boys JE 6 Had high hopes for this after reading positive reviews. Really didn't do it for me though. Race glaze 55. 7.5 Nice to use, lovely finish. Black Label 9 A quality wax, smells awesome and so easy to use. Loses half a mark for price. Auto finesse Illusion. 7 My first "show" wax. Pleasant to use, looks good smells good but I think its expensive for what it is. Temptation. 1 Mum always said if you cant say something nice then say nothing. Bouncers Capture the Rapture. 7.5 Bought at the same time as illusion, better finish better price. Vanilla Ice 7 Decent enough but nothing special. Smells awesome though. I love DW edition 7.5 Similar to CTR but firmer, lovely to use and great smell. Black Magic Detail Origins . 7.5 Spreads well removes easy. Could bead better. Helios . 7.5 Nice to use. Expected it to last longer than it did. Genesis . 9 One of my favourites, good value and lasts well. Sirius Dark. 8 Adds gloss and lasts better than expected. Miura. 7.5 Really firm wax, sheets incredibly well. Taurus 9 Gorgeous smell, spreads and removes effortlessly. If it lasts (first use today) this is a winner. Pinnacle Signature series II 6 Bought on a whim, dead easy to apply and remove, only lasts a couple of washes though. Zymol Glasur. 9.Not cheap but worth it, if it lasted longer it would be a 10. Vintage. N/A looking forward to using this when it arrives. Obsession Wax Aura. 8.5 Impressive finish for the price. Euphoric. 8 As above with more gloss as opposed to clarity. Hybrid 86. 8.5 Had an issue with my original version the one I have now performs brilliantly. A true hybrid offering great looks AND protection Itus. 8.5 This years winter protection, the glow of a wax with hopefully the longevity of a sealant. Really nice to use though . Phantom 9.5 My highest mark so far. Its genuinely a brilliant wax, spreads well removes easily but leaves a magnificent finish that has lasted well too. My car has never looked better. Phaenna 9 A super glossy oily wax which definitely adds to the finish. Easy on/off and looked stunning on red. Obsession Wax Zeal 8.5 Obsessions new "budget" wax. Maybe in price but not in the quality. As with all the other Obsession waxes I have its a pleasure to use. Nice fragrance, hefty glass jar, good finish and quality beading. For sub £25 its a bargain really. Taranis (wheel wax) 9.5 I'm currently recovering from major knee surgery and as such car cleaning isn't really high on my list of priorities at the moment, that said the jet wash got an airing yesterday and the alloys came up spotless. 2 coats were applied 7 weeks ago and the wheels have been cleaned just once in that time. Taranis is holding up brilliantly. V impressed and I'm not one for wheel waxes. Swiss Vax Crystal Rock. 8.5 Gorgeous to use, smells incredible but so so so expensive. Smart parts P21s. 9 Cheap for the finish it gives lovely to use, if only it lasted! Blackfire Midnight Sun. 8.5 really like this not that expensive, easy on/off and looks great. Def wax Number One. 9 Lovely to use but again its mightily expensive. Very high quality though. 0stend0 Glaze 8.5 Premium quality show wax that delivers. Bit expensive but good stuff. 3xempler Glaze 7 Decent enough but nothing special. Easy on/off though. Duru5 Glaze 7 As with 3xempler I thought it was ok but nothing more. Synthatic Edition 7 Nice and sharp on silver, hoped it would last longer than it did. Pre Production M4gnum 0pus 8 Similar to synthetic but with a glossier finish. Mitchell and king Griffin. 9 Quality beading sheeting and usage, expensive though for 100ml. Phillip 8 Great on light colours. Nice to use, can't really justify its price though. Pioneer 8.5 A good quality wax this. Quite oily and spreads very well, the small jar I got will last a considerable amount of time. Rich finish that comes off easily and beads nicely but sheeting isn't amazing. Still a good wax that I rate highly. Sweden7.5 Having bought a Volvo it seemed rude not to try this wax. Its quite firm but spreads very well, removal wasn't great though so I may have to work harder on finding the right curing time for it. Its reflective rather than glossy IMO but it suits my light grey well. Smells lovely as all M&K do tbh. Not the cheapest but if I can get the sweet spot for removal I'd add another point as it does look good. Artdeshine Obsidian wax 7 I couldn't get on with it on my car but worked great on my dads. Can see why people love it but its not a favourite. Sicko N/A Looking forward to using this once the weather settles. Ogle wax Custom Reveal Not used yet Custom Element 8 Really impressed with this for the money. Spreads for miles but don't leave it to dry or it can be difficult to remove leaves a good finish though. Sonax Protect and shine. 8.5 Application takes some getting used to but a great product when you get it right. Polymer net shield 9 The best sealant I've used. Will be my winter protection from now on, doesn't have the glow of wax though and can look "sterile" Menzerna Power lock. 3 My first foray into sealants left me totally unimpressed. Prima Epic. 6 Nice and glossy but didn't seem to last too well. Gtechniq C2V3 8.5 So easy to apply and remove, like the idea of using it as a qd for top ups. Not sure of claimed 8 month durability. Optimum Opti seal 6.5 Too easy to use! Didn't add any noticeable gloss and was gone after a month. Cheap though or would have scored lower. Gyeon Wetcoat 8 Good value and so easy to use, spray on jetwash off, don't leave it too long to remove though or you will get streaks. Cancoat 9 The easiest sealant I've ever used. Spray onto a microfiber and then do a panel at a time with it. Water behaviour afterwards is epic. Polish Angel Esoteric V2 8.5 I've never really been one for liquid waxes but this is a quality product. Spreads forever and can be left on the car for hours rather than minutes after application. Sheeting and beading is first rate, very impressed. Durability could see my mark raised in the future. Jubilee 8.5 As with Esoteric Jubilee spreads like crazy, a delight to use in every way. The finish is more reflective I feel than a warm carnauba glow but this is a wax I look forward to using much more during the summer. Sheets incredibly well for a wax, similar to Glasur in that respect. Connoisseur Rapid wax 9 The first spray wax I've used and its brilliant. Leaves a warm glow on my black paint with extreme gloss. Beads well, is a doddle to use (spray and wipe) and as with all Polish Angel products a little goes a long way. A great topper over a base wax. Valet pro Beading Marvellous 7.5 Bought on a whim as a sample pot. Its very easy to use, spreads very well and removes with ease if you don't allow it to set solid. Impressed for the price and will use again although is more glassy than glossy imo. Swissvax Onyx 7.5 Another recent sample purchase. Lovely and oily a pleasure to apply as it spreads so far, very little cure time, straight on/off and it beads and sheets better than I thought it would. I like the finish it gave, very rich and dark. Look forward to using this again. Obsession wax Zenith. (not giving a rating as not really fair) Special to me in so much I was involved in its development and branding. As a custom creation wax it is all I could wish for really, glossy in the extreme and delightful to use. Chemical Guys Petes 53 9.5 Every once in a while you try something and just think WOW I like this. I had one of those moments with this wax. Smells great. Nice sized but light jar. Wax firm but oily I knew before I applied it I was going to like it a lot. Wasn't disappointed either. Apply/ remove a panel at a time to leave a wonderful rich dark glow. I'm not expecting it to last very well but so what? Best bit? £24 for a jar and that my friends is a BARGAIN it could easily be £100 wax and for the finish it gives you wouldn't be upset at that price. Adams Patriot 8.5 massive tin compared to other waxes. Smells delightful too. spreads for miles and is a doddle to remove. Do a panel then remove almost instantly. The finish it leaves is truly concourse but it is let down slightly by average beading and longevity but for overall looks its a stunner. ODK/Fourthwax Curiosity 8.5 bought a sample pot ridiculously cheap and was very pleasantly surprised just how good it is. Application is as easy as could be really, same goes for removal and the beading it had in heavy rain was tight and uniform. Very impressed to be honest and may well buy a full sized pot in the future. Well worth a try. Infinity Wax Purple shimmer 2 I had real problems with removal of this, literally couldn't get it off the car. I'd looked for info regarding curing times with no success so did the usual swipe test to gauge. Even when cured it wouldn't wipe off, is this an instant removal wax? well tried that too and just ended up smearing it around. I don't like to leave negative reviews in general but this was a pita to use. Artdeshine Sicko 9. First time ive used a genuine coating and I was more than a little apprehensive about it. No need to worry in that respect at all. Spreads and cures at a nice rate and is easy to remove. Looks stunning and glossy once applied. Lovely product. Repel coat 8. Very easy to use product that beads nicely and leaves a sharp crisp finish. Point lost as I had to replace the spray head on mine as it didn't work at all. Seems to be a common issue with various brands having products that don't want to leave the can! Tac Shinee Wax 7.5 .The names misleading I feel as its a spray sealant. As with most of the tac products its a doddle to use. Spray, wipe flip your cloth buff and done. Used over the top of a previously waxed car it did add to the gloss and beaded nicely when it rained. Cheap and easy to use. You don't need much so it will last a while. Quartz Max 9. Quartz Max - Hydrophobic Silica Spray Sealant. Now this is a good product and one that I would recommend to use for top up protection through out winter as it can be used as a drying aid. Ive used it over wax and on bare paint and the results are identical more or less except for one incident of streaking on my bonnet but that was down to too much product. Use a TINY amount when spraying this. Its crazy slick and sheets well. If you've used gyeon cure its VERY similar just slightly nicer to use. Ceramic coat 8.5 . The names misleading again as its actually a polymer sealant. Now im a waxer and sealant generally don't do it for me at all. This ones different though as it has the glow of a wax rather than the glassy sterile look I've suffered with in the past. Easy on exceptionally easy off. Lovely glossy finish. Its on my dads car at the moment and depending on how it lasts the score may rise. Its definitely helping the car stay clean longer though. Moonlight 8.5 A spray sealant containing over 20% Sio2. A couple of squirts per panel, spread then buff off. Its that simple just don't miss any bits as they will set hard! Designed as a topper for a coating but I used it as a stand alone. Its good too once you nail the application and removal. Water behaviour is excellent as to be expected with a high Sio2 content and leaves a good sharp reflective finish. Well worth a try. Autosmart Topaz 9. I jumped on the band wagon a year behind everyone else with this it seems, a friend gave me a bottle to try recently and said you know your stuff report back. What can I say? Great product. So easy to use. I'd describe it as AF triple with the cleaning side turned down and the protection side increased greatly. It does cleanse slightly and as such is more an aio rather than lsp but the finish it leaves for the price is special indeed. I will be buying a lot more of this its great! Good around the house too. Wax Addict Vitreo. 7 Bought as a sample set so only a small pot. It applies ok, removes ok, beads/sheets ok, looks ok. I guess I'd say its pretty average overall. I'd hoped it would have convinced me to buy a full sized pot but sadly it hasn't. A decent enough wax but nothing special. Edition 21. 8 Bought as a 1/2 price bargain in the black Friday sale. It applies beautifully, its quite oily so spreads far. Removal though is slightly tougher than comparatively priced waxes but the finish it gives is excellent. Very glossy and the sheeting is superb. I will be using this again to see if I got the curing time wrong previously but overall pleased I bought it. Zymol Titanium. 9 This wasn't originally something I'd bought but rather leant to me from a good friend. As with the higher priced zymols I've used previously its a delight to use. Spreads forever, doesn't really have a cure time although I left it on slightly longer than I had done done with glasur. The finish is crisp and reflective. The beading and sheeting are as good as you could possibly wish for in a wax. Its simply a great wax. After using this I've since bought my own jar and that doesn't happen that often these days. Victoria Wax Concours 9.5 Well after resisting Vics red for so long I finally picked up a jar cheap recently. My car's black and its as if this wax was made for it. The wetness of finish is ridiculous to be honest. Easy on easy off, smells nice, spreads well comes off easy. For looks and ease of use it is very good indeed. I shouldn't have waited as long as I did to get some in hindsight. Victoria Wax Mayhem. 9. A very good value wax that reminds me a lot of one of my favourite waxes in smell, consistency, application and finish but costs barely anything in price comparison. I really rate this wax and look forward to using it more. It spreads exceptionally well and removes with ease 5-10 minutes later. Very glossy finish. Car-chem Connoisseur 9 This came as part of a bundle I purchased on ebay and as carchem don't really have a pedigree for waxes I wasn't expecting much at all with regards to this wax, in fact I wasn't planning on using it at all if i'm honest. The packaging isn't the best and a facelift could work wonders for it as its actually very good. Its firm but still spreads well, cures quite quickly and is probably a 2-3 panel wax at most. It removes well though with no residue or second buff needed. I really like this tbh, its only £30 for 250ml too so good value. Beading and sheeting are good I just wish it didn't smell of bubble gum, that's probably its only negative. Just shows you should keep an open mind and there are some hidden gems out there for not mega money. Sonus Acrylic Glanz Spray 9.5 I didn't know if I should include this or not as I wasn't intending it to be an lsp. That said the finish it gives over Carlack NSC is incredible. I've been using NSC more and more until recently and after having a read on cyc they recommended this over the top. Great recommendation tbh and a seriously shiny acrylic finish. Would look awesome on solid colours. Angelwax Fifth Element 8 Another recent sample purchase, I've finally learnt to stop buying full jars. Quite an expensive wax this. The sample was £20 for 30 ml or at least that was the cheapest I could find it at. That said I've coated my Insignia and you cant actually tell I've used any at all. It spreads an unbelievable amount and I can get another 7 maybe 8 layers from this sample. It goes on really well, removes pretty well too, not a doddle but not a real pain either. It was quite warm when I used it and a couple of panels and then removal worked for me. Its quite a reflective finish but it did look really well on black. The following day it rained hard and the beading was excellent, strangely it didn't want to sheet off when driving though. Still a nice product and one I'd be happy to recommend but its price loses it half a mark. Bilt Hamber Double Speed Wax9 I've put off trying this for ages and I'm not sure why, maybe the bland packaging doesn't draw me in but after reading lots of positive reviews I thought I'd give it go. Well what a pleasant surprise, its mega easy to work with, easy on/off and the beading/sheeting it leaves behind is outstanding for a wax. This stuff hates water!! The only thing I'm not sure of is the finish, it dulled my paintwork slightly but this is the only negative I can find with it. Its a no nonsense wax that's not fragranced at all, in basic packaging that comes in at less than £15 for a massive tin. Its a great buy and if the finish was richer it may get the magical 10 mark! Nanolex Si3d Coating. 9. Having recently bought a fresh car I wanted something durable to see me through winter so went with this after a lot of research. Unlike a wax where you can prep polish and seal in a day this took my nearly two days as its unforgiving if you make mistakes.(same as all coatings really). Having taken my time with it and finding perfect application and removal for me I'm extremely happy with it. It protects brilliantly, the sheeting is excellent and beading is more than adequate. It lacks the richness of a wax though if I'm honest. I've tried to wax over it but that's been pointless as its made no difference to the protection imo. Overall a top product that if used correctly will last ages. Zymol Concours 7.5. I'm maybe being a little harsh with that score due to recently having used the higher end Zymols. Its a lovely wax in its own right, quite oily but still firm and spreads really well. Doesn't remove quite as easily as other Z's but still easy enough. The real question is it worth almost double the price of Glassur and to be honest I don't think it is. Destiny.9. A true boutique wax that I could never justify or afford paying for a full sized jar. As part of the sampler kit though I think its reasonable value. Its a stunning wax to use, without wishing to repeat myself too much it spreads forever and its effortless to remove. A couple of panels at a time, on and then off. Just a delight tbh. It seems a lot more durable than the other Z's too, I've tested this on my own car recently and there has been very little drop off in looks or performance even after a dozen or so washes. It gives a warm glow finish too that really suits my red car. As an overall package I'd love to give it a 10 but the only reason it was a 9 is that I think its a fair price as part of the sampler kit or it would have been lower. Its price simply makes it prohibitive to most people. Atlantique ?? I honestly don't know how to mark this. It is without doubt the easiest wax to apply and remove that I have ever used. IT almost melts into the paint after application and after a 5 minute cure time wipes away easier than most QD's!! Its a ridiculous wax for all the right reasons but its more than 1100 quid for a full jar. So how do you rate something this good but so expensive? Simply I can't. Its performance for sheeting, beading and durability are outstanding and as with Destiny as part of the sampler kit its good value. I love this wax, literally love it and will have to buy another sampler when I've run out of it. OCD Waxes Alien 51 8. A good honest wax this. Doesn't make extravagant claims about durability or gloss levels its just a genuinely good wax. Easy to use, goes on and comes off without issue. Beads well and lasts ok too, what's not to like? Cheap as chips in the grand scheme of things too. Nebula 9. Extremely glossy show wax. It reminds me A LOT of Petes 53, its a little firmer maybe but with the scent as it is and the overall finish and durability it gives it is very similar. Another great wax from OCD though and one that will be terribly difficult to better. Good luck with that lol. Seriously good value and a wax I'm glad I own and one OCD should be proud of. Raceglaze Hybrid Blue 9.5 Well here's a shock of a wax from a manufacturer that doesn't get the airtime it probably deserves. I've fancied trying this for ages but have always been trialling something or other so never got around to it. Anyways I got a pot this week with a few Zymol bits so combining postage seemed like the time to buy. 2 1
kursien Posted February 12, 2018 Report Posted February 12, 2018 @ghost cięzko się czyta jak się dobrze nie zna angielskich słówek, a słownik google też nie do końca pomaga, ale większość człowiek da radę zrozumieć plus są numerki Dobrze,że podrzuciłeś taką listę bo ja na inne fora nie wchodzę, nie mówiąc już o innojęzycznych
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